Thursday, June 22, 2017

Google Doodles

I often tell teachers don't zip past those Google Doodles because they can be a great stepping stone to a good discussion or lesson. For instance, today's doodle celebrates the birthday of Oskar Fischinger. And to my point, I have no idea who he was or what he did. So naturally I go explore, which is what educators encourage their students to do, or at least I hope you do. CNET describes him as a "filmmaker and abstract animator". There is a lot to learn about him and the work he did which was clearly ahead of his time.  Do not jump past those doodles. You might abandon your lesson for the day but anytime you encourage learning and discovering new things is never a bad thing. #lifelonglearner

Kreise (excerpt) by Oskar Fischinger from CVM on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Well I think we can all agree that I am not very good at this blog writing thing but I persist. More to come! Just had to squeeze in a line before it was too bad.