Sunday, January 20, 2013

Paper Slide or Pantomine Videos

January 2013? We are more than half way through the month and I think I have been writing 2012 still. Well I hope my dear reader that you are more focused than I am. I am gearing up for 2 conferences, TCEA (Texas Computer Educators) and TMEA (Texas Music Educators). TCEA will be in Austin, Texas and I have the pleasure of presenting 3 sessions with my good friend Carol Mayo. They are all 3 hour hands on sessions and we are very excited. Monday, February 4, we will be presenting Weebly, Tuesday the 5th will be Animoto and then finally on Thursday will be Paper Slide videos. Which brings me to my post today.

I knew I had written about Paper Slide videos once before so I went back to look at the post. Not much to say was there? I was disappointed that the video from our teacher tech camp would not play and I have tried fixing it to no avail. Recently, however, I used PSV (Paper Slide Videos) with one of my music classes. I introduced the concept to an 8th grade class, gave them the song they were going to use and let them at it. The song, by the way, was chosen because I knew they had just finished studying this in their science class. I gave them one class period to complete the pictures and to film.
The next week I had them take the same song and they had to pantomime the words. Lots of fun and they did a great job. They were very willing and I enjoyed watching them come up with their ideas. This link will take you to my classroom page where you can view both the PSV and the pantomime version.

An idea like PSV or pantomime really is quite easy to do with students. I did very little prep with them other than showing them an example of other students' work. I supplied them with paper and markers and their section of the song. I do think that any PSV should be relatively short in length, a few minutes at most.

So I reccommend to you to not be afraid and try it with your kids. There are many examples out on youtube so no matter what subject you teach you should be able to find an example. It does not have to be song like I did but have your students explain a concept they have just learned. Diagram a sentence, do a math problem, create a "how to" video, so many things you can do!

Here is quick (and kind of lame) PSV about PSV!

Paper Slide Video about Paper Slide Videos! from MKuterbach on Vimeo.