Thursday, March 31, 2016

NCEA- OneNote

Yesterday at #NCEA16 I presented on Microsoft's OneNote, a supersized note taking tool and I learned about something BRAND NEW for OneNote. There is now a Class Notebook add in for OneNote. Once you download it, it creates a new option in the ribbon to create a class notebook right there! It saves time in creation of the class notebook. You are also now able to add things directly to a section in a student's notebook individual or the whole group. Thank you #Microsoft!Exciting news!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

NCEA 2016

Finally it is sunny San Diego! I am here for the NCEA (National Catholic Educators Association) conference.
Presenting two topics- Microsoft OneNote and Nearpod. OneNote was today and in 1 hour and 15 min I hope I convinced people to give OneNote a chance. I am a heavy Google Drive user. Edmodo is my best friend and I love to use so many different tools. So I can honestly sit/stand here and say I am not married to any one tool to use. BUT I have found the OneNote is a supersized resource to use for organizing your life, especially that of a teacher. The ability to put it ALL in one place is the big bonus to using OneNote. For anyone that is trying to find my presentation you should see a tab at the top with the title of the presentation. When you go to the page you will see the presentation as a TACKK (be sure to check out
Tomorrow will be a session on Nearpod and I am co-presenting. Nearpod is pretty awesome too and I think I have talked about this one also.