Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Year and Back to the Race

Happy New Year!
The first week back to school. Mostly smooth. Can't complain. And I see January already zipping by!

One cool item to share and I know I am behind the time on this one. I heard about this tool but was too busy at the time to check it out. Now I wish I had slowed down and looked at it months ago! I am talking about Blendspace. Very easy and cool way to bring different parts of a lesson together and share with your students. It is a drag and drop construction that also has some really easy search tools already built in. You can share it easily, there are privacy setting so if you include documents you don't want to share with the world you don't have to.  I had heard teachers get all excited about Blendspace but thought "how can it be any cooler?". Well I'm not saying it is any better than some other web tools that let you bring videos, web pages, documents, whatever, together in one place but it sure is slick. There are some who will still prefer the other formats but take a look at Blendspace. I have accessed Blendspace through my Edmodo account. It is a free app inside of Edmodo. I do a quick lesson on hearing loss with my middle school students and this would have been handy to use. Here is the Blendspace that I just created for a hearing loss lesson. It includes videos, web image, and 2 web links. Mine is pretty simple but it is just what I need for this lesson.