Wednesday, February 24, 2016

TCEA 2016

The Texas Computer Educator Association conference took place in February in Austin, Texas. And this was the first year in a few that I was not part of a team to present. Which was kind of nice since I was able to actually participate and see what others are doing. It also gave me the time to devote some brain power to really delve into OneNote. I spent far too much time at it but I did manage to get my OneNote Certification! woo hoo! And while I was at it, I passed the Microsoft Word certification also. The tests were free at TCEA so why not? A pretty good deal. I will admit though that they were harder than I expected.

So what did I do besides One Note? Actually not much! I was determined to really understand what can be done with the program and especially with the new OneNote Classroom. Our school is a Office365 school and our 6th graders have their own Microsoft Surface so it only made sense that I invest my learning time in OneNote.

I attended a Green Screen session for iPads that was nothing I didn't already know. But even if it is a session that I am well versed on it seems there is always something you can walk away with. Not so in this one. Same for one on using Google sites for eportfolios. Good info but not for my use.

One new product that looks cool but again- gotta have Microsoft- and that is Sway which is a new presentation tool. Potentially very cool. Not sure about the ease of the learning curve. We shall see. If you have a Microsoft account you should check it out.